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No amount of wealth can help humanity move forward and make progress, even under the management of the most dedicated and  socially  conscious  workers. Money leads only  to  selfishness  and  becomes  an  irresistible temptation to its owners to abuse it. The only thing that can lead people to praiseworthy ideas and noble deeds is to follow the example of those great individuals who put other factors before money. Adapted from Albert Einstein in Alice Calaprice, The New Quotable Einstein【2012年6月】

Does money lead to selfishness?




It is usually believed that money enables people to be more selfish instead of being altruistic. However, there are several compelling examples against this view including in the business and charity fields.

People are born to pursue money and reputation, which drive people to lose their innocence and conscience in the process, which is quite common in business and political circles.

People are born to pursue money and reputation, which may ruin one’s relationship and one’s simple mind. Even worse, it may destroy a company or a nation since its rulers are lost in the search for profit.


No amount of wealth can help humanity move forward and make progress, even under the management of the most dedicated and socially conscious workers. Money leads only to selfishness and becomes an irresistible temptation to its owners to abuse it. The only thing that can lead people to praiseworthy ideas and noble deeds is to follow the example of those great individuals who put other factors before money


Fortune is an ultimate force to move forward human society without any question. Money results in merely selfishness and becomes an unavoidable seduction to its owners. Certainly, there are someone who can resist this temptation and take other factors rather than money into their consideration first. To them, wealth is not their final goal, but conscience and empathy is their constant pursuit.


另外如果你的中间部分例子比较多的话,可以选择把一个例子放在开头来写,这样的开头也会比较新颖,能吸引考官的眼球,但是有个要求,例子不能太长,否则开头会喧宾夺主,比如我们把mother Teresa的这个例子可以放在开头:

Mother Teresa devoted her entire life to the missionary of charity to aid those poor and unhealthy people globally. For her, she never considered the profit and reward brought by her altruistic behavior/action. Even she never swayed after she has got reputation and enormous funding from other sources. Actually, there are other figures who share the same spirit. in terms of them, money never makes them lose conscience/selfish.


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